Saturday 18 April 2020

Create a Unique Costume

Forget the passé ghosts and goblins this year. Instead, crank up your imagination and create a costume that will be the talk of the town.

1. Toss out any clichs immediately. Forget anything related to traditional Halloween costumes, such as witches, werewolves and monsters.
2. Play off common words, titles or phrases in unexpected ways. For example, a doctor's outfit with chili peppers pinned to it is 'Dr. Pepper.' A surfer costume covered with fake spider webbing is a 'Web surfer.'
3. Make a list of themes that are unique to you. Play off your name, a nickname, a personal legend or an unusual physical attribute.
4. Shop at thrift stores. These treasure troves are home to some of the
5. most unusual and utilitarian clothes and accessories.
6. Use common household items to transform your look. Burn a piece of cork and rub it on your face for a 5 o'clock shadow, or use eyelash glue to attach fake fur to your face for a beard.

Consider dyeing old clothes or accessories to fit your costume. You'll save money and cut down on shopping time.
Surf the Web, watch cartoons or check out your local bookstore for ideas to help spark creativity.


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