Saturday 18 April 2020

How to Determine if Your Cat Is Overweight

If your favorite feline is wearing an apron instead of sporting an hourglass figure, you've got one fat cat.

1. Check that your pet's ribs are easily felt but not visibly sticking out. This indicates that your cat is at a desirable weight.
2. Look at your pet from above. Some indentation between the rib cage and the hips, depicting an hourglass shape, indicates that your pet is at a desirable weight.
3. Check your pet's belly. If the belly of a cat protrudes, the cat may be overweight. (A protruding belly on a cat is called an apron.)
4. Feel your pet's hips. Anything more than light fleshiness indicates that your pet is above normal weight.
5. Always consult a veterinarian before putting a pet on a diet. Your veterinarian can recommend a special diet appropriate to your pet, and can examine your pet to rule out the possibility that a serious medical condition is causing the obesity.

Regular exercise helps your pet lose weight.
A cat's weight at 1 year of age often reflects the animal's optimal body weight, although this is not true of cats that are already obese at 1 year. A veterinarian can provide weight guidelines.

Visible ribs or excessive thinness could be a sign of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) in cats, especially in those over 12 years of age. Consult a veterinarian if your pet is chronically underweight.
It's crucial not to let your cat become overweight - it could lead to hepatic lipidosis (a fatty liver).


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